QBI - Seminar

Silence and Resistance in HIV Reservoir Persistence



11:00 AM-12:00 PM

The QBI & Gladstone Institute Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Brad Jones, PhD, a Viral Immunologist and an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Jones received his PhD in Immunology from the University of Toronto before beginning a post-doctoral fellowship at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard in 2012. He currently serves as Principal Investigator of the Research Enterprise to Advance a Cure for HIV (REACH), one of the NIH’s flagship ‘Martin Delaney Collaboratories’. Dr. Jones is on the Steering Committee of the Global Scientific Strategy for an HIV Cure initiative of the International AIDS Society (IAS), co-Chairs the IAS Advocacy-for-Cure Academy, which focuses on raising awareness on the state of HIV cure research in the global South, and was the Track A Lead for ‘AIDS 2022’, the 24th International AIDS Conference. His research focuses on harnessing the cytotoxic T-cell arm of the immune system to cure HIV infection.

Talk Title: Silence and Resistance in HIV Reservoir Persistence

Host: Ashley George


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