QBI - Symposium

Spring Mutations Symposium



1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Co-organized by James Fraser and Nevan Krogan, we are pleased to invite you to the 2017 QBI (Quantitative Biosciences Institute) Symposia on Spring Mutations: how deep sequencing is changing protein science. It will be the first of a series of QBI symposia that will focus on cutting edge technologies that are revolutionizing biology. This meeting, being co-sponsored by QBI and the Convergence Zone at the Gladstone Institutes, will be held March 14-15, 2017, at the UCSF Campus at Mission Bay in San Francisco, California. The event will start at 12:00pm on March 14, 2017 at the Mahley Auditorium and end at 4pm March 15, 2017.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

1:00pm James Fraser, UCSF - Welcome Speech -Selections under different chemical conditions: leveraging graduate students

1:05pm - Thematic Session # 1 FOUNDATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: chair (James Fraser)

1:20pm Doug Fowler, University of Washington/ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center -Deep mutational scanning to interpret variants in human genomes

1:40pm Adam Abate, UCSF -Sequence function mapping of enzymes and membrane proteins with microfluidics

2:00pm Sri Kosuri, University of California, Los Angeles 

2:20pm COFFEE BREAK Room A/B

2:40pm Thematic Session #2 EVOLUTION (chair:Tina Perica)

2:40pm Debora Marks, Harvard University - Post-evolutionary biology: mutation effects predicted from genomic sequences

3:00pm Dan Bolon, University of Massachusetts - Biochemical and evolutionary lessons from viewing protein fitness landscapes through a next-gen lens

3:20pm Kim Reynolds, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center - Evolutionary modularity

3:40pm Lianet Noda-Garcia, The Weizmann Institute - Systematic mapping of chance and necessity in protein sequence evolution

4:00pm COFFEE BREAK Room A/B

Thematic Session #3 POTPURRI (chair: Dan Bolon)


4:40pm Seemay Chou, University of California, San Francisco- The bacterial cell wall: probing an ancient structure with modern tools

5:00pm Jesse Bloom, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - Statistical methods to assess the adequacy of deep mutational scanning experiments for describing actual natural selection on proteincoding genes

DAY 2: Wednesday, March 15, 2017

9:00am Thematic Session # 4 ENGINEERING and THERAPEUTICS (chair:Katie Pollard)

9:00am Martin Kampman, University of California, San Francisco - CRISPR-based functional genomics to elucidate therapeutic targets and protein-drug interactions

9:20am Jim Wells, University of California, San Francisco - PhaNGS: A first generation Protein seq

9:40am Christian Cunningham, University of California, San Francisco - Using Next Generation Sequencing to Engineer Protein-based Therapeutics

10:00am Dave Savage, UC Berkeley - Synthetic Biological Tools for Probing and Perturbing Cellular Physiology

10:20am COFFEE BREAK Room C/D

10:40am Thematic Session #5 ENZYMES AND OTHER SYSTEMS (chair: Martin Kampmann)

10:40am Polly Fordyce, Stanford University - Harnessing microfluidics for high-throughput, quantitative enzymology

11:00am Lea Starita, University of Washington -Multiplex assays for measuring variant effects

11:20am Phil Romero, University of Wisconsin-Madison- Dissecting protein function with microfluidicbased deep mutational scanning

11:40am Catherine Fox, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Using deep sequencing to define the structure and regulation of yeast DNA replication origins at high-resolution

12:00pm LUNCH

1:00pm Thematic Session #6 TOWARDS UNIVERSAL LOOKUP TABLES (chair: James Fraser)

1:00pm Cory Johannessen, Broad Institute - Systematic mapping of mutant kinase function through saturation mutagenesi

1:20pm Tanja Kortemme, University of California, San Francisco - Mutational perturbation of a fundamental biological switch

1:40pm Amit Majithia, Broad Institute - Making sense of missense: Prospective functional characterization of disease relevant proteins

2:00pm Ren Sun, University of California, Los Angeles - Functional analyses of influenza virus genome at single nucleotide resolution: application in rational design of vaccine for broad protection.



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