QBI - Event

Sneak Peek: Pirating Biology for New Inventions



10:30 AM-10:45 AM

The Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) at UCSF is presenting a live Twitter interview hosted by QBI Director, Nevan Krogan, to highlight a pioneer of protein engineering, Jim Wells, who was selected as the recipient of the Sixty Fourth Annual Faculty Research Lectureship in Basic Science at UCSF for his contributions to chemical biology and protein science.

Dr. Wells and his group developed groundbreaking approaches to designing improved enzymes, antibodies, and small molecules that target catalytic, allosteric, and protein-protein interaction sites. They invented new technologies including protein phage display, alanine-scanning, engineered proteases, bioconjugations, N-terminomics, disulfide “tethering”, AbCIDs, AbTACs and an industrialized process for recombinant antibody generation.

Join us for 15 minutes in QBI Twitter Space on April 22, 2022 at 10:30 AM PT for an opportunity to enjoy a sneak peek of how these advances lead to new discoveries into protease mechanisms, growth factor signaling, hot-spots in protein-protein interfaces, role of caspases in biology, and more recently determining how the cell surface proteome changes in health and diseases!

*Link to live streamed interview has expired.

Note: Dr. Wells' upcoming lecture for the Sixty Fourth Annual Faculty Research Lecture in Basic Science, "Pirating Biology for New Inventions”, will be presented on April 26, 2022, from 3:30-5:00 PM PT in Byers Auditorium at the UCSF Mission Bay Campus. Learn more about how to attend that event here


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