QBI - Seminar

QBI Online Seminar with Vivek Malhotra



10:00 AM-11:00 AM

Talk title: "Building a Machine for Secretion of Bulky Collagens and its Application to Tissue Fibrosis"

The QBI Online Seminar Series is presenting Vivek Malhotra, Chair of Cell and Developmental Biology at the Center for Genomic Regulation. Protein secretion is an old problem of fundamental interest and while a number of question remain unsolved, his lab focuses on a handful of key questions, involving the mechanism of collagen secretion to address the issue of tissue fibrosis (collagenopathies); the mechanism of Mucin secretion and the associated pathologies of COPD and cystic fibrosis; the mechanism of unconventional protein secretion; the shape and the biogenesis of functional Golgi cisternae; and the biogenesis of transport carriers at the Golgi cisternae.

Hosted by: Shaeri Mukherjee

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