QBI presents a seminar with Alex Chavez, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of California San Diego.
Dr. Chavez completed his MD, PhD training at the University of Pennsylvania, his residency in Clinical Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital, and postdoctoral training at the Wyss Institute at Harvard.
His lab is interested in developing novel tools to rapidly interrogate biological systems. During his talk he will share some of his lab's new tools for performing multiplex genetic screens to identify modifiers of neurodegeneration, and their work on a new approach for performing high-throughput insertions within the mammalian genome.
Talk Title: Multiplexed Approaches to Probing and Modifying Biological Systems
Host: Nevan Krogan
Join virtually on Zoom: https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/95050034600?pwd=eWxEZXNmOC9TNnJGOVJyMlpjRUlvdz09
Passcode: 807143
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