QBI presents the hybrid 2023 "QBI Internship Symposium" on August 17 from 1:00-4:00 pm in Genentech Hall. Interns will be giving 10-minute talks about their path to science and their internship projects from diverse areas of basic or discovery research and clinical science. For in-person speakers and attendees, the symposium will conclude with a reception.
Session 1: QBI YES Fellowship Trainees – Chaired by Gina Nguyen, Director of Communications & Events, QBI
1:00 - 1:10 – Opening Remarks by Dr. Nevan Krogan, Professor, UCSF & Gladstone, Director of QBI
1:10 - 1:20 – Simrun Parulekar, Marson Lab, UCSF and Gladstone [Remote Presentation] (Sponsored by HARC, Mentored by Dr. Ujjwal Rathore)
1:20 - 1:30 – Anjelo Evans, Hultquist Lab, Northwestern University [Remote Presentation] (Sponsored by HARC, Mentored by Dr. Kathryn Jackson-Jones)
1:30 - 1:40 – Jolie Bilodeau, Gordan Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by CCMI, Mentored by Dr. John Gordan)
1:40 - 1:50 – Break
Session 2: HARC, AVIDD and PUMAS Trainees – Chaired by Dr. Robyn Kaake, Assistant Professor, UCSF, Gladstone & QBI
1:50 - 2:00 – Felipe Morfin, Nagarajan Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by QBI YES Fellowship, Mentored by Dr. Sanjay Ghosh)
2:00 - 2:10 – Belen Maguina Veloz, Fujimori Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by QBI YES Fellowship, Mentored by Dr. Jonathan Sandoval)
2:10 - 2:20 – Jane Ton, Kastner Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by QBI YES Fellowship, Mentored by Dr. David Kastner)
2:20 - 2:30 – Break
Session 3: CCMI and QBI Trainees – Chaired by Dr. Manon Eckhardt, Scientific Program Leader, Krogan Lab, UCSF, Gladstone & QBI
2:30 - 2:40 – Mishelle Taborga, Krogan Lab, UCSF and Gladstone (Sponsored by QBI DARPA, Mentored by Dr. Benjamin Polacco)
2:40 - 2:50 – Abhimanyu Ghosh, Fraser Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by QBI, Mentored by Dr. Stephanie Wankowicz)
2:50 - 3:00 – Nhi Nhi Ly, Fraser Lab, UCSF (Sponsored by AVIDD and PUMAS, Mentored by Dr. Stephanie Wankowicz)
3:00 - 3:10 – Angelica Marquez, Krogan Lab, UCSF and Gladstone (Sponsored by PUMAS, Co-Mentored by Dr. Einar Krogsaeter and Michael McGregor)
3:10 - 3:20 – Vi Truong, Theodoris Lab, Gladstone (Sponsored by PUMAS, Mentored by Dr. Bumjoon Kim)
3:20 - 4:00 – Concluding Reception in Genentech Hall, First Floor (Open to All In-Person Speakers, Mentors and Attendees)
Join via Zoom: https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/93627777386?pwd=dExTMkhNbWJKTm43QlMrOENtTWU2QT09
Password: 188329
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