QBI - Conference

Day 3: Reshaping Science and Health by Collaborating Between Borders and Disciplines



8:30 AM-9:30 AM

QBI and the Scientific Department of the Embassy of France in the United States present, "Reshaping Science and Health by Collaborating Between Borders and Disciplines," a science fair that will take place virtually from November 30–December 3, 2021. This science fair aims to feature different actors from industry, academia, and government from the United States and France to discuss how strengthening the interfaces among experts in different disciplines and countries impacts the progress of healthcare.

Recent progress in health and healthcare has been tremendous, particularly thanks to the massiveness and availability of health data, which is essential as the basis of the future of medicine that can be called "5P": preventive, predictive, participatory, personalized, pertinent. The applications are multiple: aid in diagnosis, analysis of exams, in imaging, discovery of new therapeutic targets and molecules, and more.

This event will bring together different actors to discuss these topics within framework of Franco-American cooperation with the objective to bring together different actors that develop applications for health by crossing disciplines; discuss their impacts and the ethical dimension that accompanies them; form a clear idea of the scientific and technological progress in this area as well as future perspectives; and propose financing solutions to strengthen cooperation between communities of experts, French and American.

December 2, 2021

8:30AM PT, 5:30PM CET - Breaking Walls to Build Bridges: how to build multidisciplinary teams for biomedical research

Diseases are all different, but human cells rely on common mechanisms. By aggregating the data from different perspectives and breaking the walls between disciplines, we can see patterns emerge, share systems, and make our models more general and yet more precise. Therefore, future challenges in biomedical research can most likely be solved by many groups working together. 

Moderator: Héloïse Pajot - Deputy Attaché for Science and Technology, Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the US

Xavier Bressaud - Attaché for Science and Technology, Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the US

Jacqueline Fabius - Chief Operating Officer of QBI, UC San Francisco

Antoine Tesnière - Parisanté Campus CEO, Full professor APHP, Paris University


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