QBI - Seminar

Integrative Systems Virology: The Multiple Regulatory Roles of Viral Genomes in a Viral Infection



11:30 AM-12:30 PM

The QBI & Gladstone Institutes Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Dr. Reidun Twarock, Professor of Mathematical Virology at the University of York.

Dr. Twarock's research is at the interface of mathematical modelling, computational biophysics and data science, in close collaboration with experimental virologists. This Integrative Systems Virology approach enabled the discovery of mechanisms in viral life cycles that Dr.Twarock and collaborators are currently exploiting in virus nanotechnology and antiviral therapy. After her PhD in Mathematical Physics (Clausthal, Germany, 1997) and an Assistant Professorship in Mathematics (City University, London), she was appointed Associate Professor, and since 2009 Professor, in the Departments of Mathematics and Biology in York. She is currently an EPSRC Established Career Fellow, a Royal Society Wolfson Fellow, and a Wellcome Trust Investigator. In 2018 she won the Gold Medal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications.

Talk Title: Integrative Systems Virology: The Multiple Regulatory Roles of Viral Genomes in a Viral Infection

Host: Taha Taha


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