The QBI & Gladstone Institute Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Brad Pollock, a Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology, Chairman of the Department of Public Health Sciences, and Associate Dean for Public Health Sciences at the University of California Davis School of Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. He was the Founding Chair of the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and earlier was on the faculty of the University of Florida where he was Founding Chief of the Division of Epidemiology in the Department of Health Policy and Epidemiology and Vice Chair for Research. He received his B.S. from UC Irvine, and his MPH and PhD in epidemiology from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
Dr. Pollock is the Principal Investigator of the Children’s Oncology Group National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program Research Base grant supporting a network of most North American cancer treatment sites devoted to childhood and adolescent cancer research. He is a leading researcher on the epidemiology and control of childhood and adolescent cancers. He served in several national leadership roles including as inaugural Co-Chair of the NCI Cancer Care Delivery Research Steering Committee, and in the NIH-sponsored Clinical Translational Science Award Consortium as Chair of the Biostatistics/Epidemiology/Research Design Key Function Committee and Chair of the CTSA Methods & Processes Domain Task Force. He was past President of the Association of Clinical and Translational Statisticians.
Appointed in March 2020, Dr. Pollock continues to serve as the Chair of the University of California Systemwide Public Health COVID-19 Work Group. He is the Director of Healthy Davis Together, a large demonstration project involving the City of Davis and UC Davis in partnership. Healthy Davis Together applies integrated response and recovery strategies to combat COVID-19 in the community, including K-12 schools as well as special populations such as the unhoused, those in congregate living facilities, and migrant farmworkers.
Talk title: Control of COVID-19 in a College Community: Healthy Davis Together
Host: Melanie Ott
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