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Repairing HIV Inflamed Gut and Mucosal Immunity

The QBI & Gladstone Institutes Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Dr. Satya Dandekar, Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Dean’s Endowed Chair for Medical Research of the School of Medicine at University of California, Davis.

Dr. Dandekar's research program is focused on the molecular pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections with special emphasis on gastrointestinal mucosal lymphoid tissue (GALT) as a major target organ of the viral infection and as a viral reservoir. Current studies have been focused on determining the molecular mechanisms of the disruption of gut mucosal immune system in HIV infection and restoration during anti-retroviral therapy. Her research has utilized the SIV infected rhesus macaque model to investigate the pathologic effects of viral infection on the gut mucosal immune system and function.

Dr. Dandekar's research demonstrates for the first time that gastrointestinal mucosal tissue is an early target organ of HIV and an early site for viral replication and severe CD4 T cell depletion (Guadalupe, et al. 2003). She has successfully integrated basic and clinical studies to determine the pathogenic mechanisms of mucosal HIV infection. Dr. Dandekar's research was also one of the first to demonstrate that GALT is an early target organ for the pathogenic effects of SIV infection. Dr. Dandekar's research described for the first time the restoration kinetics of gut mucosal system during therapy and repair of the damage to gut mucosal structure and function caused by the viral infection.

Talk Title: Repairing HIV Inflamed Gut and Mucosal Immunity 

Host: Ashley George

Zoom link: https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/99271372316?pwd=TS9xVWNXR3hHMCs0S3gxcEdBdit3Zz09

Passcode: 836898

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