QBI - Conference

Day 1: AI, Big Data, &; Science



8:00 AM-9:00 AM

QBI and the Scientific Department of the Embassy of France in the United States present "AI, Big Data and Health", a science fair that will take place virtually on November 9-10 and 12-13, 2020 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. This science fair aims to bring together different actors from industry, academia, and government from the United States and France to talk about Big Data and AI applications for health.

The application of Artificial Intelligence to health and health data management is one of the areas where the creation of start-ups and the emergence of new technological solutions is massively increasing, in the United States as in France, supported by renowned research institutions. The applications are multiple: aid in diagnosis, analysis of exams, in particular in imaging, contribution to the discovery of new therapeutic targets and molecules. This requires multidisciplinary approaches that involve strengthening the interfaces between experts with very different profiles: AI specialists, researchers in biology and health, doctors, regulators, businesses and patients. These increasingly concrete developments require a reflection in terms of ethics and regulation (legal responsibility, risks potential, influence of AI on the doctor, management of learning data, bias and discrimination). To address these different aspects, this event aims to bring together different experts through a virtual Science Fair open to the general public to discuss these topics within framework of a Franco-American cooperation.

November 9, 2020

8:00AM PT, 5:00PM CET - PANEL 1: "Intelligent Imaging: The Evolution of AI in Biomedical Imaging" 

Panel Description: About the discussion: The automated analysis of medical imaging is probably the most mature and rapidly growing industry, but the images and their labels are a critical factor that modifies the equation. Keeping this in mind, the limited time we have, the discussion topics will include conversations on central image repositories, uncertain gold standards in labelling, federated learning, image and data sharing for translation to industry, and any others you might wish to address.

Moderator/Speaker: Sharmila Majumdar - UCSF, Professor, Radiology; Vice Chair for Research, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

Elodie Brient-Litzler - Institut Pasteur, Head of Innovation Development, Technologies for Life Sciences and MedTech; AVATAR MEDICAL, Co-Founder

Dorin Comaniciu - Siemens Healthineers, SVP AI and Digital Innovation

Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer - Harvard, Associate Professor of Radiology, Researcher

Christopher Hess - UCSF, Professor and Chair of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

Abdul Hamid Halabi - Tempus Labs, GM and SVP of Data & AI 

Stéphanie Allassonnière - University of Paris, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics; Sonio, Co-Founder

Stanley Durrleman - Inria and Paris Brain Institute (ICM), Senior Research; Fellow of the Paris AI Research Institute PR[AI]RIE

Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin - Institut Pasteur, Professor, Head of the Bioimage Analysis Unit


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