QBI - Event

Grand Opening of the Bruker Center of Excellence in Proteomics

QBI presents the grand opening of the Bruker Center of Excellence in Proteomics, a state-of-the-art Mass Spectrometry Facility located at the UCSF Joan & Sanford I. Weill Neurosciences Building. The grand opening will be followed by a complimentary lunch discussion on single-cell proteomics led by Danielle Swaney (UCSF) and Chris Rose (Genentech), with special guest Ryan Kelly, Professor of Chemistry and Biology at Brigham Young University.


11:00 am: Registration and Check In

12:00 pm: Grand Opening – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 

12:30 pm: Lunch and Learn Discussion with Ryan Kelly & Danielle Swaney: Single-Cell Proteomics: Recent Developments and Near-Term Prospects

1:00 pm: Q&A Session

1:15 pm: End

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