QBI - Symposium

2019 QBI/Freie Universität Symposium


2019 QBI/Freie Universität Symposium

Co-organized by Drs. Christian Freund, Nevan Krogan, Tanja Kortemme and Markus Wahl, the Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) and Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) present the inaugural 2019 QBI/Freie Universität Symposium to be held in Berlin May 27-29, 2019.

QBI seeks transformative results in biomedicine by supporting fundamental quantitative research in the biological sciences through significant collaborative efforts. The department of Biology, Chemistry & Pharmacy at FUB seeks to translate the insights from atomistic descriptions of macromolecular structure to fundamental questions in biology, chemistry and medicine.

In support of these missions, the 2019 QBI/Freie Universität Symposium will focus on collaborative potential between scientists from both institutions. Following the workshop, we look forward to putting in place a large collaborative agreement between FU and other Berliner research institutes and UCSF to enable scientists on both sides to work together through exchange programs and opportunities for collaborative funding. This workshop will be held on the FU Berlin Campus, and will include scientists from QBI, FUB, Charité, Humboldt University, the FMP and the MDC. 

Confirmed speakers:
David Agard, QBI
Haike Antelmann, FU Berlin
Oliver Daumke, MDC
Holger Dobbek, HU Berlin
Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray, HU Berlin
Dorothea Fiedler, FMP
James Fraser, QBI
Christian Freund, FU Berlin
Danica Fujimori, QBI
John Gross, QBI
Volker Haucke, FMP
Natalia Jura, QBI
Tanja Kortemme, QBI
Nevan Krogan, QBI
Frank Noe, FU Berlin
Andrej Sali, QBI
Kevan Shokat, QBI
Stephan Sigrist, FU Berlin
Christian Spahn, Charité
Jack Taunton, QBI
Mark von Zastrow, QBI
Markus Wahl, FU Berlin
Peter Walter, QBI
Jim Wells, QBI

IMG_4508 Achim Kramer, Charité Berlin

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