QBI - Symposium

QBI Chromatin Symposium: From Bench to the Bedside

Organized by Drs. Vijay Ramani and Yin Shen, QBI presents the QBI Chromatin Symposium: From Bench to the Bedside. The symposium will be held at the UCSF Mission Bay Campus on November 18, 2024.

Under the leadership of Dr. Nevan Krogan, the Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) seeks transformative results in biomedicine by supporting fundamental quantitative research in the biological sciences. In support of this mission, the symposium will highlight the latest advances in chromatin regulation.


8:00 AM: Doors Open (Registrations & Light Breakfast)

9:00 AM: Opening Remarks:
Nevan Krogan, UC San Francisco 
Vijay Ramani, UC San Francisco/Gladstone Institutes 
Yin Shen, UC San Francisco 

9:15 AM: Bing Ren, UC San Diego – “3D genome architecture shapes transcriptional state transition”

9:40 AM: Ting Wang, Washington University – “Pangenomics approaches to studying epigenetic polymorphism"

10:05 AM: Ana Pombo, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin – “Variations in 3D genome structure between cell types and in stimulus response”

10:30 AM: Break

10:50 AM: Yadira Soto-Feliciano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – “Mechanisms of Gene Regulation by Chromatin Adaptors in Development and Disease”

11:15 AM: Ali Shilatifard, Northwestern University – “Molecular insight into transcription elongation regulatory mechanisms and epigenetics deliver critical targets for cancer therapeutics”

11:40 AM: Karen Adelman, Harvard University – “Controlling the synthesis of coding and non-coding RNAs”

12:05 PM: Lunch Break

1:30 PM: Geeta Narlikar, UC San Francisco – “A large conformational switch of INO80 regulates nucleosome positioning”

1:55 PM: Elphege Nora, UC San Francisco –  “Molecular mechanisms of chromosome folding and enhancer wiring”

2:20 PM: Eva Nogales, UC Berkeley – talk title to be announced

2:45 PM: Break

3:05 PM: Abby Buchwalter, UC San Francisco – "The nuclear periphery confers repression on H3K9me2-marked genes and transposons to shape cell fate”

3:30 PM: Jay Sarthy, Seattle Children's Research Institute – “Targeting Chromatin in Leukemia Using New and Old Agents”

3:55 PM: Dan Lim, UC San Francisco – “Spatial 3D genome organization controls the activity of bivalent chromatin during human neurogenesis”

4:20 PM: Closing Remarks by Yin Shen, UC San Francisco 

4:30-5:30 PM: Reception at Gladstone Institutes (1650 Owens Street) 


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